The Awakening of Gaia

The Awakening of Gaia is a documentary from the intelligent David Al-Badri on his 20.5k YouTube channel, The Angry Hippie. The theme throughout remains linked to who are we and what has happened to us, during our time as humans on planet earth.

Using scientific research to explore the links between the human race and the universe – the particular examples given are fascinating to me. One is how we are entwined with the living organisms of the roots of trees. It has similarities with the human brain, and this shows how we are in synchronicity with other life forms.

I am in awe when David speaks of the different theories, conspiracies, ideologies, and taking into account contradictions and people’s interpretations of reality worldwide.

He cleverly brings in the opinion of others, whilst staying close to the point that we waste the planet’s resources. Also, as humans we think that everything will be sustainable forever.

On the subjects of education, jobs, money and religion – we are manipulated by our belief systems. For me, these are all matters that are in constant need of change and growth. Why aren’t we moving forward and seem to stay stagnant? All the issues highlighted are close to my heart – it’s my hope that we stop destroying planet earth.

DNA, sacred geometry and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) are focused on, and in my opinion are all subject areas that cross over. They left me hooked and intrigued and wanting to learn more.

Leaving on a quote that stood out throughout the entire documentary from David is, “We must enlighten ourselves so we can change ourselves.”

This is profound and incorporates all of the issues that we are facing in today’s reality, on planet earth, and as humans.

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